Friday, May 23, 2008

Sidewalk-sized Vent

I want to take a few minutes to get some things off my chest, for lack of a better phrase. Usually I'm not the kind of person to let things get to me, or dwell on the negative; it causes unnecessary stress and headaches (which I actually have right now, surprise...). Maybe if I treat myself to some good-ole keyboard therapy, lets see if that helps. I have a lot to rant about, so bear with me.

Money is a big issue to me, like most of us working class tax-paying citizens. One day I hope to be financially secure and not have to worry about bills, job security, etc., but for now I must cope. The place I work at isn't too horribly bad, despite what you may have heard from my previous blog. It does leave much to be desired for, though. It would be nice to work in a cool air conditioned building, sitting down all day in front of a computer or behind a mixing board. Leaving after being there for ONLY 8 HOURS would be nice too. But no. Not for me.

Music isn't going anywhere fast. Well, at least not for me. For anyone out there that does make money from their music, you should fell very blessed. There are so many of us that can only dream of doing such. That brings me to another problem, actually. There are too many of us doing the same thing. The producing market is WAY TOOOOO saturated. My only guess is that every "musically-inclined" high school student in the past 3 years went out and bought or downloaded a copy of FL Studio, threw a few drum loops together and now call their self a producer. Pfftt.... Producing is more about paying dues, amassing musical knowledge, and having mixing and recording skills. Trust me, there IS a difference in a beat-maker and a producer. The next time someone claims to be a "producer", ask them to hear completed songs that they've produced. Or better yet, ask them how many copy writes they have. Aww-ready.

One more thing before I let you go today. I got paid today, and seeing that my gas gauge was yelling at me about being so low, I decided to mosey on up to the old BP station. Low and behold, I see that a gallon of gas has gone up another 40 CENT since I last got it a week ago. v_v
There are videos on youtube about how the middle-easterner oil sheiks live. Everything you see in those videos, like the mutli-million dollar mansions, the Rolls Royce's and Ferrari's, lavish lifestyles they live- WE PAY FOR THAT. We are the ones that buy their ultra-luxury cars and colossal palaces. I wish more people would look at the BIG PICTURE and see that we as a nation need to be more independent. Why are we making foreigner countries wealthy, but at the same time going into an economic recession?

Oh well, back to another wonderful day at work. Oh joy.
