Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tools of the Trade

Seeing as how this is supposed to be a blog about hip hop production, and I haven't really been discussing hip hop production that much.... Well, I think I should. I've had a lot of people ask me what kind of programs and equipment I use to make beats, so I think I'll take a few minutes and discuss just that.

FL Studio, also known as Fruity Loops. Yes, you REALLY CAN make professional quality beats with this software. *GASP* But seriously though, FL Studio has a reputation for being beginner's software. To be honest, it's just that. BUT..... It's also used by intermediate and expert producers also. Its ease of use, great GUI design and tools is what makes FL Studio my weapon of choice. Some say that its more interesting to bang out on the pads, or flex fingers on the keys, as opposed to clicking. Hence the reason I use a
Behringer U Control UMX 61. A 61 key midi keyboard, in English. Great setup, lightweight, many features for midi control for any midi-capable program. Big shout-out to S Black for hooking me up with this. Works wonderfully through FL Studio for laying downs melodies and also tapping out drums.

Formerly known as Cool Edit Pro, this powerful software serves many purposes. The main uses I get out of it are recording my vinyl to pc, chopping up and editing samples, and mixing down vocals for artists whose songs I've recorded. Adobe Audition also features VST and DXI compatibility. Great for plug ins like

Waves Audio. Some of the best and most effective audio editing plug ins that exist. Whether adding simple effects to a drum track, or mastering a complete cd, Waves should be the tool of choice for software audio producers and engineers. Tools such as the UltraMaximizer, MaxxBass, and PAZ Analyzer are powerful, efficient, and most importantly great sounding.

In my next installment I believe I shall go over a few more vst's that I use to compose with. SO BE ON THE LOOKOUT.



Chester said...

HapiBlogging to you my friend! Have a nice day!